Turkish 'Kunefe' Dessert Is Sweet, Crunchy And Cheesy

This rich dessert is from the southeastern region of Turkey

By Elizabeth Taviloglu
Published: Apr 19, 2014 10:15 AM GMT / 
Updated: Apr 19, 2014 10:15 AM GMT

Imagine a warm dessert that's golden brown and crunchy on the outside with stringy melted cheese oozing from the middle, drenched in butter and sweetened with a light, lemony syrup. Does this combination excite you or does it sound a bit strange?

You may not like the idea at first, but once you try this traditional Turkish dessert called 'kunefe' (kyoon-eh-FAY'), you'll fall in love.

Turkish cuisine is known for its delicious, syrupy desserts like baklava. 'Kunefe' is another worthy addition to the line-up that comes from the southeastern region of the country.

That's right, it's the same area famous for Turkey's delicious kebabs. That's why the best place to enjoy good 'kunefe' is in a kebab house!

Authentic 'kunefe' can be difficult to make at home, so most folks wait until they go out to eat kebab to have this delectable dessert.

The main ingredients in 'kunefe' are a special shredded dough used in many Turkish and Middle Eastern desserts called 'kadayıf' (kah-dah-YUF'), low salt Turkish cheese for the filling, lots of butter, and, of course, lots of sugar. It's baked in a round, shallow 'kunefe' pan and served piping hot.

To find out more about this delicious dessert, check out this article about Turkish 'kunefe.' And make sure you put it at the top of your list of new desserts to try.

Photo © Kybele - Fotolia.com


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